The Kr3w m33ts for Easter!
Thurday 18th April
After lunch at the usual prezzo we move to the bowling round the corner.

(Rob and Bannas, I dont beleive it rob ISNT actually looking at her chest in the photo wow what has uni done to him)

Jimmy going for another half strike!

Kaz m8 there are two pins and they are at opposite sides, u didnt plan this too well now did u.

I do say .... did some one mension free coffeeeee lets all have a cupper. (jimmy says its rubish coffee not like the old days in gepps cook hole.)

I know the picture is a bit blury but ONE BALL at a time. (as the attendant informed us)

Chilling out before the cinema marathon that consisted of "Failure to Launch" followed by the middle hour of "The Insider" and finally "Firewall" which has nothing really to do with firewalls.
All an all a quality day and thanks to rob, banna, paddy, jimmy, hawwy, kaz and will T for turning up for at least some of it!
Byes for now until the summer.
Hawwy m8