Monday, October 25, 2004

Gig On Friday

Do any of the people going to Kaz's (or not) want to come and see Mad Caddies in Birmingham on Friday night. The gig is at 7:30, so I'll meet you in Birmingham, then we'll stay the night in a hotel, £20 each for the night, then we travel up early and get to Kaz's around 1:30.

If any of you guys fancy that, then, err.. email me and I'll tell you where to get tickets etc ect. It's gonna make things quite a bit easier from my point of view if one of you wants to come, but if you can't or don't fancy it, then don't worry about it.


Friday, October 22, 2004

Lets get down to business... (updated)

Everyone 12 t3h bring I<123\/\/\ T-shirts:D:D:D:D hehehe, then we can wander the dark and dingy streets of edinburg lookin cool:p


Secondly:p....err, i kinda need to book tickets for peeps who wanna come up to t3h Edinburgo para Ghost Hunter trailer tour
and the dungeons...

We cud go to one/the other/both:p....
Sat night there's sum halloween partay thang at the gonna find out if visitors are allowed coz im not sure :s.....opportunity to get dressed up! Not sure where to go after ghost tour if we go sunday night....ill keep my eyes PEELED :p

So, can peeps tell me wut u think/confirm that ur coming/not coming?....pleeeeaaasee?...:p...kthx

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Friday: 9pm

Click "Play Now"

Look at the right hand box - the 6 options at the top

Click on "User Created"

Find the one called Will_Poyntz's room!

Be owned by the birthday boy! :D

Go on, you know you want to!

Other news: for Will's World from now on! Go read!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Toodle-pip and Tally-ho and Round the Mulberry Bush we go... or...errr... not!

Evening landlubbers, nubbers and 53XY B3457S :D Well it's more like morning, but yeah. I feel jubilant cuz my room is at last all pweddy and gleaming, or at least a lil more non-disgusting, so I thought I'd say something here before collapsing onto my bed...

btw, KR3W TEES = AWESOME!!!1111EINEIN :D Yes I realize it's slightly late, but I got it from my sister today, and it R t3h pr0. So yay :) And thanks guys.

So, I'm off in approximately 5 hours to Heathrow Airport, in the meantime, y'all have plenty of drunken fun and make complete fools outta yourselves... hehehehe. Happy Birthday Kaz, Happy Birthday Will, enjoy your Halloween/birthday kraaazy shindig and isketch party respectively!:P

Now time for the collapsing.... I figure with two hours rest I may have enough energy to wash my hair in the morning... well in two hours anyway... lol sorry. I'm rambling. Luv y'all, thank you and good night :P

Ciapello Giorgio

Sunday, October 17, 2004

22nd October ***UPDATED***

Yarrrrr... that be my birthday... So, since I am lonely down here in Dullsville, Essex, I be reckoning that it's time for an outing... The local delights are so appealing I've never tried... To London, mayhap? Home of the legendary Jim m8? An evening out, though not on the Vince drinking level, obviously... ;p

Non date specific... Anytime that (next) weekend would be super! The one after I am supposed to be going to Bath, so I will probably not be available for any Halloween shenanigens with Kaz m8... I'll have to content myself with mugging kids for sweets round here when I get back on sunday :D

Anyway: anyone with time on their hands, make ye yer mark on this 'ere comments parchment...


New plan: we meet up online for an isketch party! Everyone provides their own alcohol, and has to drink every time they guess wrong... :p Well, maybe not, but an isketch party?! What does everyone reckon?!

[Edit squared] (Post post script :p)

The isketch party: meeting online during the evening... Starting time between 8 and 9 - any preferences? Finishing time: whenever you feel like/need to go do work!


All your links to my blog are now wrong, except Jim's. Congrats on being up to the minute, Jim m8 :D It's back to being

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Halloween chez moi

Lo peeps of the revolution...
Rob m8 just brought it to my attention that i haven't done this so...
Just to officially invite everyone here for halloween (31st) who wants to/can get up here/down here :p Not sure wut the plan is just yet, but I intend to get dressed up/extremely drunk/scared shitless So anyone who wants to join me, then leave us a comment :D:D:D
Rob m8 and Prillo m8 will hopefully both be anyone else, and well, depending on arrangements or wuteva, crash at my pad sardine styleeee
Hehe, yeh, thats all folks!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

News re: Will

  1. Will has changed his phone number to 07743 748479... for reasons now in the archives of Elwyns legend, involving running round on the last night of term in Timmy B's dressing gown... :P All your numbers would be handy to put on the new sim! :D
  2. Will's blog has gone wrong! The comments are t3h screwed, so no posts til I've kicked its arse back into working... Hence the random change of style, as well... Sigh...

Monday, October 11, 2004

you'll NEVER guess

you folks will NEVER guess what i saw the other day whilst sitting for hour upon hour in sydney central train station...

no, it wasn't the crocodile hunter, nor was it the ledgend that is harold bishop from neighbours or any of the other cast either. but, wait for it...

someone wearing a hat bearing the ausicious word that is:


how mad is that?!?!?!?!

didn't ask where she got it from, but if i find one you can be sure that the money will be out of my wallet faster than you can say 'i'll have that please'

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Making Joules Proud?

I was just wondering whether Kaz and/or Hawwy are getting started on any sort of University Flying Corps thing?... What with them being officially thuper RAF cadets last year, and all that...