Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Hawwy's T
I woke up after a long night out approx. 11am to find a parcel waiting for me on the kitchen table. I was like what the **** is that, "Its for you" the flat mate replied. So I open it carefully not know what what it is. I look in side and to my delight I found my KR3W T. PRO I shout now fully awake and realised whats happend. Any way enough of my gabbling this is what its like

Friday, September 24, 2004
New Mugshots Are In!!!!
YO kr3w!! T3h new mugshots are in!!!:D:D:D Well, all except Vicky and Vince. Vince, because I can't find another funny pic of you, and Vicky coz yours was changed earlier anyway... I think... Or maybe it wasn't. Anyway, I don't have another silly pic of you either, so that'll have to do:P HEHEHE...:D
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Yo kidz
An update from me all the way up here at the top of the world. Me being in aberdeen means that im the furthest north of all of the Kr3w also meaning Im one of the furthest from home obviously with exception of Banners! Hope your all doing fine and Jim has informed me that there are just a few fittttties down in london at barts if any one is looking. Iv met so many people up here and every day I see millions of new people this should be a gooood year. Soz i cant make it to prillo's place at xmas for new years but me family is off to asia avec moi. Keep it touch and thanks for everyone whos been texting me to ask how im getting on its realy nice. Spanks kidz and see you all soon!!!!!!!!!!
For anyone who feels like mailing me (Kr3w shirt!!!!!):
Harry Payne,
300C Hector Boece Court,
Don Street,
Old Aberdeen,
AB24 1WU
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
This is my maiden blog
Yo peeps, omfg, i realised i haven't ACTUALLY ever blogged, so here i am. I thought i'd just boast about me bein the first one to start uni :p coz it's P to the R to the O, cept Prillo made me realise how gay it is to go shopping/cook ALL the time, sittin in her room tonight, scoffing sum gorgeous donut, which made me feel v hungry DAMN U. gut aside, I was slightly disappointed by Orchestra rehearsal today: The conduct0r dude was like 'there is a little retard in bar...' I looked around, and to my dismay, there was not even a slight reaction to that midly amusing comment. So i had to silently rofl all to myself :( ahhhh
Well without meanin to bore u guys to tears, GL and HF m8s with da uni thang....i hope u make as many m8s as i have.
Monday, September 20, 2004
Pics of t3h kr3w Tees
Well, here they are! Er, I just need to re-size, brb.
Ok! Take 2, here they are! First, our very handsome model, Jimmy C:
And next, me:
So there you have them. The official kr3w tees!!!!!!:D:D:D:D You'll all get your own PRETTY soon:) Luv ya all!
Saturday, September 18, 2004
w00t w00t!! t3h kr3w Tees Have Arrived!!1!einein!
Lo all miserable people down in Essex!! t3h kr3w tees have officially arrived!! w00t w00t! I'm wearing mine right now:D And so are Jimmy, Kaz and Vince. We all at Kaz's place, coz Jimmy and I brought them their tees. Anyway, they not as good as I wanted them, but me thinks they still pretty pr0:D So that's cool.
Right, ways of getting them:
Anna: Yours will be sent to you when we receive payment for the tee.
Haz: Jimmy'll send it to you in Aberdeen, so if you give him the address sometime:)
Jim: Jimmy'll send it to you, so he need an address.
Podgy: Jimmy'll send it to you at home, I've got the address, so no worries.
Rob m8: You'll get yours in the post too, so Jimmy'll need your address at Warwick.
Will P: Jimmy'll drive round yours sometime and give you yours.
Will T: Yours will be taken to Will P's and Vicky can give it to you at school, or Jimmy'll just take it into school. Depends which is easier.
Um, those who need to leave address can either leave it in the comments, or you can send Jimmy an e-mail.
Anywayz, they're COOL:D:D:D They are p to the r to the 0!!! YESSSSSS!!! SCCOOORREEEE!!! In other news, I spilt tea all over the floor, and in to one of my white dainty shoes... [sigh] LOL, but it was SOOOOO funny. The boat looked like a thingee, a sunken boat!! LOL, anyway, that's gone in the wash, and hopefully there won't be any tea stains left on it when it comes out.
Ummmm.... Other than that... I'll put some pics up when I get to Uni, coz I stupidly forgot to bring the CD which I was gonna put some pics onto to Kaz's, and the rest is history.
So yeh, LATERZZZZ:D:D:D Oh yeh, I was thinking, when we next all get together, we should take a pic, and then all sign a thank-you card for the dude who... Well, printed the tees, coz he was a lad. Basically, the three different colours on the back of the tee were on three different sheets, and so he had to line it up, and print each of the backs like THREE times. Can you imagine doing that for 11 t-shirts?? LOL, I'd probs go krazy:P Anyway, yeh, the card thing's just an idea. We'll see if it happens or not:P LATERZ!
Thursday, September 09, 2004
The end is soon
Yo kidz its me Hawy m8. I rarely blog only in exceptional circumstances and this is, iv got just 8 days until I leave England and off to sunny Scotland. I cant wait to go but Im gona miss all of you guys so much. The last week is probably gona be spent pack and saying goodbye to everybody. We've spent at least 2 years together now and we are slowly going off on our own paths which are really quite diverse there's gona be thousands of miles between the kr3w instead of an oak table as it has been for all the time at Felsted. Although it wasn't the greatest place on the time we made it home and our group made is so much more livable. All I can hope for all of our sakes' is that we all keep in touch and try to meet up with one another when we can. This website is our key to our group don't let the key fall into disrepair or allow to much dust to gather on it. Love to you all Harry
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Peeps plans
Lo all! Tis another list on the lines of the last one... Just to clear up who's doing what this year, as in who's having a gap year (and what are they doing?!).
Anna - in Oz for a year, obviously
April - Straight off to St Andrews
Harry - Straight off to Aberdeen
Jim - Straight off to St. Barts
Jimmy - Gap year, mostly in Tescos
Kaz - Straight off to Edinburgh, with her own flat complete with S&M dungeon*
Koel - Gap year, mostly in Canada
Paddy - Gap year
Rob - Straight off to Warwick
Rosie - Gap year, teaching English in Tanzania, leaving 6th January
Vince - Straight off to Durham
Will P - Gap year, resitting Maths A2 in January then deliberately falling out of aeroplanes.
*May not be true.
Will T & Vicky - Still at school - OWNED...