Friday, April 30, 2004

The 1337 E-mail

Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 20:41:52 +0100 (BST)
From: CCHD
To: teh kr3w
Subject: Blogs (etc)

I am writing because you are the leading bloggers I know of in the school, and yesterday evening the Headmaster drew my attention to some pages you had created. He did not say they should be blocked - he merely said two looked unsuitable and the other two needed editing. But I was in a hurry at the time (I spent the evening recording a concert in Chelmsford), and could not easily check them so I blocked them prior to investigation today. Today I have spent too much time dealing with Netsky-Z and other matters, but I am unblocking the sites now. While doing so I'll explain my views on the matter. They won't be the same as yours or the Headmaster's, but I hope they are close enough to his so that he allows the sites to remain open. Much will depend on you.

You've all written to me or seen me today, and have agreed that the school can control what you put on the school's site, but you think that you have the right to express yourselves how you wish on external sites. You are right there, but only partly. If you should libel anyone, then we can prosecute you under standard laws. If you post anything defamatory, we can ask the site operators to remove it. They may refuse to do so, after which we can start legal proceedings, though we'd probably be more likely to ask your parents to help. But note that since the famous case of Godfrey versus Demon in 1999 - it's on many sites, e.g.

there has been a strong tendency for site operators to agree to remove anything when asked (Demon had to pay Godfrey 15,000 pounds, yet I and most commentators think this was a perverse result). If what you write can be linked to Felsted School, and if it presents the school in a bad light, then we have the beginnings of a case. Interestingly, we are unlikely to be able to do much about anything you might publish in a book or newspaper or on radio or television, but (owing partly to the Demon case above) much more chance of getting Internet material removed and authors disconnected. I have already done so in several cases - us webmasters and postmasters all help each other.

However, that's all rather heavy. We're sensible and friendly people, we don't have to think about going to the law. Back to these Blogs.

I have looked at several of them, and have been *very impressed* by some of your writings. Indeed, most of them. You are articulate and you write, in general, very well indeed. As I read it, I wonder if there's any better thing you might do with your spare time, and I reckon writing these Blog essays is so much better than playing computer games, chatting on MSN or any of a dozen other things you might be doing - I conclude it's marvellous, please continue. I wish I had time to read them all.

But there's just one problem (well, two or three). The main one is crudities. Four-letter-words. Sexual innuendos, and I fear not-innuendos as well. Rudeness. Inappropriate and unnecessary use of obscenities (but I suggest below that "appropriate" or "necessary" cases do not exist). And one silly choice of nickname.

Now I know we have a hypocritical society. We all know what's meant when the newspapers print stars. But we pretend not to. It's part of our culture, our society: it's almost a game, we use circumlocutions to be polite about many things where both the speaker and the listener knows exactly what is meant, and know that each other knows, but neither actually says it. All societies have taboo areas, often different. In our society some of these are "four-letter-words". You know what I mean. I know what I mean. So there's no need for me to elucidate, is there?

The major problem I see with some parts of your weblogs is that you have used taboo expressions. You have described events, yourselves, the school and other matters in language that is more sexually or scatologically explicit than is (in my view) desirable. You may wish to shock, to exaggerate, to joke or to show that you are not going to conform to silly restrictions. Or this may just be your natural mode of expression, you don't think about it, you're so used to it, you don't see any issue, your vocabulary stops there.

And that's my point. Vocabulary. The English language is rich in nuances of expression. There's always a dozen ways to describe the same thing, each with slightly different overtones. A craftsman of the language does not need to descend to the language of the gutter (and, yes, I know about James Joyce and others). The many places in your weblogs where you have used such language can all be rephrased - if you are clever, with greater effect - without it. There is a half-clever way of doing so (for example, "sanguinary ordure"), but it's much better to eschew such terminological allusions and write good plain English (this last sentence is not a good example of that ilk).

You can quite easily educate yourselves to get through life with no need for any "rude words" at all. If you do so, you will automatically avoid various embarrassments, and be at no disadvantage thereby. Rather like being a non-smoker. Which is less popular - a smoker in a roomful of non-smokers or a non-smoker in roomful of smokers? Similarly, which stands out more - a habitual swearer in a roomful of non-swearers or a non-swearer in a roomful of swearers? If you are naturally foul-mouthed, then you are more likely to upset than impress people. If you can train yourself to be naturally polite, so that obscenities just don't occur to you, then you can only be at an advantage.

So - would you please control your language in your Internet products? Edit out existing obscenities as much as you can. Continue to write honestly, impressively, freely and intelligently, be proud of what you do. There's no need for perfect typing or spelling, we all know what keyboards are like, but be considerate for your potential readership. Be fair in your criticisms, and err on the side of generosity.

Christopher Dawkins, Felsted School, Dunmow, Essex CM6 3JG
01371-822698, mobile 07816 821659

Saturday, April 24, 2004

WOO HOO IT WORKS!!!eineinein

Ahoy hoy kr3w, see i'm not that stupid and have managed to set this shit up. hee hee hee

Anyway...until i've read the rest of the postings all i'll be able to say is shizzle about what i know...which is nothing at the moment, so until i have something interesting to say i shall leave you with this thought...

in three months time, when you're sunning yourself on the beaches of frinton, i shall be slogging my guts out, getting an aussie accent and generally living it up in the land of cheap beer and REALLY hot men.


WHAT ON EARTH IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE?? Is it like "hate the kr3w"/"diss the kr3w" week or something? FFS!

What's wrong with being close? What's wrong with relying on each other? YES, the fact is we're all going to leave, and YES, we are ALL aware of that. After school, we need to get on with our lives, meet new people. It's not like we don't KNOW that. So why not make the most of what we've got now? [lol, cola bottle just feel down my top]

I can BE as childish and as immature as I want to be at the moment, coz everyone KNOWS me. And I mean, seriously, if anyone absolutely HATES me being the way I am - jumpy, bouncy, and childish - then PLEASE tell me. It's not like I'm THAT immature, right? Why do I have to be mature all the time? What's the point being all grown up? Eh? HAVE FUN. Be STUPID. Make silly noises. GAS, tbh. I weren't immature about Jimmi getting cancer, I didn't think the fucking world was gonna end.

And as for Jim being the guy with his head screwed on the right way on. (Y)YA!! JESUS CHRIST. Ok, I realise I've said all of this in my comments, but I just wanted to re-iterate them. Jim GAMES 24-7. Is that the kinda person who has their head screwed on properly? He is NOT open about his feelings. I repeat, NOT.

Yes, I've been offended, but I have to say, I don't think I got it bad. But then, iuo... Jeez... BOB WANTS PIE! GOT A PROBLEM??

Friday, April 23, 2004

Good News...

Evenin' all... this b me first thingy... umm.... whatjacallit. Post.

Soz bit tired - had my second chemo today... it aint as bad when you know what's coming though:) apparently i was quite apprehensive last time coz I didnt have a clue what i was in for. Feelin a bit tired n nauseous but i had me pills - back on 22 a day now:P lol. Anyway - good news: had a chest x-ray just before treatment today, and my wassername's going down - looks like more than a 1/3's disappeared now:D so they aint injecting me with weird red stuff for no reason:)

So... yeah... umm... and btw... if anyone wants to ask me about stuff - i don't mind:) you can ask me anything / say anything - as long as you don't do a Darrel Chan and say "why did you shave your hair? it looks crap" and "sorry mate, but it looked much better when it was long" ... hmm:P lol i didnt say anything... just "yeah... wtvr". Coz i know sometimes... well for some people anyway - they dunno what to say, and dont want to say anything that might offend or whatever... as long as you use an ounce of tact I don't mind at all:) Coz quite a lotta people dont have a clue what chemo is... Pete Walczak thought it was putting you in a machine - that'd be radiotherapy, which is a treatment for cancer... not what i'm 'avin though (probably something like what I thought it was beforehand). Josh Monk seemed to think it was a series of electric shocks... ahem... yes... anyway it's all drips n injections n pills:P fun stuff - i aint that bothered tho:) Anyway... i know i'd be the same ... not really knowing what to say if it was someone else... but lol dont worry - i aint complainin about you guys not asking me enough or asking me too much - you've been cool:D I just don't mind if you wanna ask 'tis all.

Anyway (you'll have to get used to that word if i'm gonna be posting in the future) ... just gotta get my spanish coursework done now, and take my french oral, then i don't have to worry about any exams:) which is a nice relief... but i wanna get through all this having achieved something as well... so I aint planning on turning into a bum... well not completely anyway.

So... anyway... ok... i've stopped blabbering now... well... maybe. Can't really think of any more to write though, and it's getting late... so you'll just have to wait for the next installment of... DANGERMOUSE!!! Ahem... sorry 'bout that. Can just imagine Prill rolling her eyes and "OH DEAR!!!"... anyway everyone else probs is too so i'll just shut it and sleep:P Peace out.

Please Do NOT Post an Entry Unless You ACTUALLY Have Something to Say

Um... Hate to nag, but can people PLEASE stop posting entries unless they have something to say. Like, sorry to direct this at you, but Vince. You're point of your entry was? Jimmi joined, and he hasn't posted anything. Why would it be rude to not post something?

Sorry if I'm being a lil harsh, but I don't want this blog to become a dump of random phrases. Yes? Thank you.

In other news, Jimmi is having is 2nd chemo today, so he won't be in school:( In fact, he's probs still in bed, asleep. Lazy bugger. Did I say? He's apparently gonna lose ALL his hair! Like ALL his hair. Even his eyebrows and his eyelashes! ARGH!! He's gonna be walking freak of the century...:P

As for Will P... Did anyone see him in Chapel? Or has he fallen asleep on his sofa again at the thought of having to face Joules? LOL.... All shall be revealed in piesics today.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004


Hey there, all ya gay3rs! Now, now, Rob... This is meant to be a NICE place, where we all like coming to! Anyway, s'not like we're just writing for the hell of it when we have nothing to say. What we have to say isn't just all really dead deep and serious. Tis just different from our other blogs. Does thou now think it's a bad thing? But I thought it'd be ideal for the future! It means we'll come to this blog, and just write randomly about stuff we've done or anything, ya know?? Don't you think it's pr0??

OK, seriously, this is it, last post

I'm not acctually joking this time.

"Multi-user blogs, the chain-mail of the future"™

And seeing as no-one likes chain-mail, I'll tell you here instead.

I'm going on holiday on the 5th. Yep, that's right, that's the monday right after Leavers. And, I'm gone for 2 weeks, possibly 3, so sorry for missing out on whatever you guys decide to do, because, a) I don't know when Anna is leaving, but if it is during that time then I'm probs gonna miss out on some kinda leaving do and b) becuase you guys will probably do something anyway.

Anyway, there you go, there is no excuse for saying you didn't know.

Oh...I get it

Here is where we write random stuff when we don't have anything else to say....I get it...

OK, well, here goes. Taking a look at my blog you will see that Matt thought it would be funny to draw all over the pictures on his site, and the link I used is to there, so there are drawings on my picture too...GREAT...maybe I should tell him that he screwed up my blog, that'd teach him a lesson....

In other news, me-sa get the impression that we write stuff here for the sake of it. I mean, you can write what you like here, it's just that I'm not really one for writing stuff unless it needs to be for saying stuff, well that's an entirely different matter. So this will be my last entry here*

HAHA, in other news, "blog" isn't in the Blogger spell-check :S And in even more amusing news, nor is Blogger.

*May not be true

YES. Maybe I SHOULD be doing fitness... :p

OMG I AM SOOO EXHAUSTED.... phew.... tennis is fun but it is the first proper exercise ive done since... hmm.... the last time we had tennis? So like a year... OH DEAR I am leknackered... lol. Anna wants me to go running with her - YOU ARE MAD AND SO AM I FOR SAYING YES :p lol :D Anyway, see yall in tea or tomoro then... I wonder what delicious creation they've got today hehe... :)

Oh yeah, a classic from the pine man: teamwork is essential coz it means you can blame someone else.

hehehe Rogerrrrrrrrrr that

w00t w00t!!11!1!!ein!!1einein!!!1!

w00t w00t!! Everyone (except jim - bloody gamer) has accepted!!! Some peeps names haven't showed up though... How rare!!! YEY... Erm... I dunno what to say damnit. My arse is still sore from spending too much time on the bike in the gym, the seat like digs into you... and it's like... F ME!

Damnit, my stupid mother sent an email to Belch about Leavers' Book and shirt, and she was like, "I would like my daughter to have both of them." Mothers, they NEVER listen to what you tell them, do they? I said I wanted a Leavers' book, NOT a shirt... ... And she's being a bitch and telling me to go back to Edinburgh for half term. FFS, it's only like a week. What's the point in that? Just coz I need to revise, who says I can't revise at Jimmi's?? ME... But hey, still, what's the fucking point? Eh? Damn rents...

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

from Stocks's with mild affection :p

Wahey it worked!!! So, um yeah: LO KR3W how was the first day of fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun school?

Anna and Kaz: Tennis was t3h r0x0r today it was fun :D

Prillo: Sorry I forgot ur prezzie at the lib, watch out for the internal mail :)

Will P: Good luck with the coursework m8

This is so much fun :D:D:D It's good for me personally cause I dont see u guys as much as u see each other, no lessons so I only see yall in luncheon or occasional trips to studies, so this is a nice way to talk to you :) (cheesy, im sorry) Ok you guys must be like FUCK OFF STONER so, sorry, bye have a good evening everyone :)

Koel xxxxx


I am now officially back. And in need of a haircut, because apparently I look like a lamb... which is nice. And also because Prillo told to me have one, and obviously I do everything she says...

Anyway, that'll be all for now. In the words of Big Willy, "ciao ciao"...

Monday, April 19, 2004

Yo Yo Yo

--Begin Transmission--


Thats it.

--End Transmision--

teh kr3w blog

Lo all! Welcome to the kr3w blog! I suppose there isn't REALLY a need to set this up, and the people that already have blogs won't have time to write here, or they'll think it's really pointless... But I still thought it was a nice idea, so I decided to set it up! Hope you guys do write here, it'll be awesome:) That's all for the meantime, just sent out some invites - I think you can only have 10 members, which really restricts it to us. Righty ho. ENJOY:)